My group works on energy storage and electrochemistry; machine learning; simulation of nano/microstructure evolution; mechanics in nano/micro systems; advanced manufacturing; mechanical properties and performance of advanced materials and relation to microstructures. Specific research topics include
Energy storage and electrochemistry
Battery model and simulation
Development of advanced battery materials
Advanced smart battery management system

Nanomechanics and Nanotechnology
Self-assembly mechanism and dynamics
Nanomechanics and nano/micro structure evolution
Mechanism of capillary forming of 3D nanostructures
Development of novel nanofabrication technique by exploiting electric field
Electrostatic printing of few-layer-graphenes
Advanced manufacturing
Joining of dissimilar materials
Mechanics of wear and friction
Wear model and simulations
Grid-to-Rod fretting failure in nuclear reactors
Surface engineering for wear resistance

Advanced simulations
Finite element-based multi-physics simulations
Molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics simulations